Grand Opening of the Fin Whale Room
We are proud to announce that last Thursday we had the Minister of Tourism, Industry and Innovation, Þórdís Kolbrún R. Gylfadóttir, open our new exhibit at Whales of Iceland - the Fin Whale Room.
We are very excited for this new exhibit, which focuses on conservation and the multiple threats (and their solutions) that whales face in the ocean with both informative and interactive experiences. The Fin Whale Room gets its name from the full-sized fin whale model hanging end-to-end from the ceiling. In this new space, amazing underwater footage of whales will be displayed on a LARGE screen, creating the feeling that guests are deep underwater.
Whales of Iceland is proud to be one of the largest exhibitions of its kind in the world, and now we are excited to grow even larger.
We look forward to welcoming you to a new and even larger Whales of Iceland - the room is now open to the public, so make sure you stop by and check it out!