A Cuvier´s beaked whale is a deep diver, regularly diving to depths of 2,000 metres or more where they hunt and feed on squid, some fish and crustaceans. Group sizes are small (perhaps 2-7 animals), but lone animals are often seen. Cuvier´s beaked whale has been recorded to dive to a depth of 3km for over 2 hours.Little is known about the animal's social habits. Cuvier's do not bowride but will occasionally breach.

Sperm whalesare also champion divers. Adults can stay underwater for almost two hours and dive to depths of 2,000 metres or more. They eat squid, which can live very deep in the ocean, so sperm whales have to dive down into the deepest parts of the sea to catch them.
The sperm whale is one of the deepest diving mammals in the world. Typically it makes dives of up to 400 m, but can reach depths of up to 2-3km. It is thought to be able to hold its breath for up to two hours, although 45 minutes is the average dive time. Some sperm whales have scars on their bodies caused by giant squid tentacles during fights. Although sperm whales are known to eat a wide variety of sea creatures their major prey items are deep-water squid which they are believed to 'catch' by the suction method of eating. Sperm whales can be quite gregarious and are known to breach, spyhop and lobtail. A sperm whale spends most of its life in either 'nursery schools' (adult females with young) or 'bachelor schools' (males between seven and 27 years of age) although older males tend to live on their own or in very small groups and join nursery schools during the breeding season. The only natural predator of the sperm whale is the orca and even then most attacks are not thought to be fatal. During such attacks however, the females show defensive behaviour of calves by creating a ring with the calves in the centre – called a 'marguerite'. These rings may have their heads or tails on the outside.

- http://uk.whales.org/whales-and-dolphins/facts-about-whales